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When you click on the Headers tab from the Options window you will see the screen below:

You can use this to set your own custom Headers.

To enable the feature in this window, first check the "Print Headers" box.

You can enter your own custom text, and set the font. You can also use special variables that will change.

·Job - This is the Title of the print job  
·Date - The current date. This is great for receipts, price lists, etc. where the date is important.  
·Time - The current time. This is great for contracts, and documents where the revision time may be important.  
·Page - The current page. This page is the page printed in the PDF, and may differ from the original document. Use this when you are combining documents and you want to re-number the pages in the PDF.  

Justification - Choose where the Header will appears (Left Side, Centered, or Right Side).

If you PDF is intended to be a printed document with a cover or title page, you may not want to start the Headers on the first page.
Use the start/stop to control to select the page that you want your Headers to start or stop printing on.

If you just want to turn them off for this printed document, you can uncheck "Print Headers" box, without losing your settings.