Installation Summary
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The installation setup program is called SpamSleuthSetup.exe. You must run the setup program to install Spam Sleuth™ to your hard disk (Product installation is found in section "Loading the CD"). Here's a summary of what the setup program does:

·Copies the Spam Sleuth™ files to your hard disk.  
·At the end of the installation process Spam Sleuth™ presents you with the option to view the README.TXT. We recommend looking this document over because it contains more information about Spam Sleuth™.  

When you first start the Spam Sleuth™ program, the InstantX registration dialog box will appear. To fully enable your copy of Spam Sleuth™ please fill out the form and enter your VIP Key, and then send it electronically to Blue Squirrel. If you don't register Spam Sleuth™ the InstantX dialog box will pop up each time you run the program, and it will run as an evaluation program. Once you have purchased the program and entered your VIP key, you'll see your License Key code in the About Spam Sleuth™ box.