Drag And Drop

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Once you've created a shortcut on your desktop, or on your Windows task bar to the ClickBook Printer you can easily select files, and drag and drop them onto the ClickBook Printer icon.  Then ClickBook will automatically launch the program the file was created in, and print the file to ClickBook .  This is a great way to speed up the printing process.


To place a ClickBook Printer Shortcut on your desktop  please follow these steps:


1.From the Start Menu, select Settings, then Printers. The Printer dialog box appears with a list of your printers.
2.Select the ClickBook  Printer, right click, and click on Create Shortcut.
3.Windows will ask you if you want to create the shortcut on your desktop. Click Yes.
4.If you do not receive the Windows message simply activate your desktop, right click, and select paste shortcut.


Wonderful! Now you can simply drag documents onto the printer icon clip0034 to print using ClickBook .



To place a ClickBook  Printer Shortcut on your taskbar please follow these steps:  (Please note: in order to create a shortcut on your Windows Taskbar you must have version I.E. 4.0 or later.)

1.Click on My Computer, and select Printers or from the Start Menu, select Settings, then Printers.  The Printer dialog box appears with a list of your printers.
2.Select the ClickBook Printer.
3.Click and drag the file onto your taskbar.



Congratulations! Now you can easily Drag & Drop files onto your ClickBook Printer on the taskbar to quickly print booklets.


NOTE: Drag and Drop does not work in Windows 7.